A teaser…

I’ve started on a new application for Firefox OS.

It’s loosely inspired by the Enigma and Bombe machines of World War II, modified and updated into something individuals can use to keep themselves safe (or just safe from prying eyes).

I’m not ready to release the code yet–the actual cryptographic elements still need to be completed. For now, the only thing the app does is sanitize the user input and output it in style.

More coming later.

Stats, for Firefox OS.

Awaiting my preordered Mozilla Flame, I’ve started dabbling again with web programming. The first ‘app’ I really wanted to use is something that that will let me monitor my server’s vitals–which is why I wrote this. Stats is written in a mixture of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP that runs GNU/Linux command line tools and …


strapOn – tinyEMF prototype

Here’s an example of what can be done with the strapOn protoboard platform. I’ve taken the tinyEMF circuit, saved some space (by using smaller rectangular LEDs that I filed down and replacing individual resistors with a 9-pin resistor bus), and rebuilt it on the protoboard so it’s easy and lightweight to wear. It’s currently powered …


strapOn, 20mm – v1.0

I’ve received them, and they’re now going to be listed on tindie.com. These versions are unbranded–just deep, glorious OSHPark purple and gold ENIG-plated through-holes. Standard 0.1″ grid/spacing easily fits most PTH technology. Once I find a reliable, quality source for 20mm NATO bands, I’ll offer these as an option on tindie. Get them here.

strapOn – v0.9, fabbed.

I designed, ordered, and received these recently. The protoboard spacing is a standard 0.1″ grid, plated-through holes. The slits on either side of the prototyping surface are designed to fit a 20mm-wide “NATO” watch band, allowing convenient and easy wearable electronics. I have a few different ideas for these, such as: – digital clocks/timers (numeric …
